Tuesday 11 January 2011

ooh la ombre

So recently my grown out, wishy washy hair has been driving me to shove it up most days due to its lack of want to do anything remotely nice. This consequently has prompted me to look at something (a little) different, and I've noticed the new 'Ombre' trend gracing the pages of many magazines on celebrities locks, which quite frankly, I love!

Right now, after years of highlights bleaching my hair making it not quite in the best condition, I'm starting to think I should jump on this bandwagon! I'm not one to completely idolise celebrities and have never actually entered a salon asking for a celeb hairstyle before, but I just love how easy and low maintenance this would be! I've seen a few other bloggers have had this done with fabulous results and it add's something new and different to a hairstyle without screaming, 'look at me, I'm so unique!'

Now all to do is find a reasonably priced salon to do it for me, as I want it done soonish and probs won't get booked in ar my usual. Watch this space..

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